Abstract—Doorbells are usual signalling devices used to alert the person inside the building to open the door as someone has arrived. Classic doorbells can be seen in every house now a days, which uses simple button and when that button is pressed the bell rings. The doorbell which we are going to make is different from that. We will make a doorbell which not only gives an output of sound, but also light and vibration. We will be using a very simple circuit to implement this project. This project can be really beneficial because it’s not always the case that a person can reach the doorbell or the person inside can hear it, so it would be nice if it not only ring but give them some more way to make them realize the bell. Also, there is a flexibility that you can adjust the distance according to you by doing some changes in the code you are using to drive the doorbell.We will be using ultrasonic sensor to detect the person and then give the alert using an LED and a vibration sensor. As we know that ultrasonic sensors are used for distance measurement without physical contact for small distances. So it’s the best thing to use ultrasonic sensor for detecting object. Renewable energy sources are spreading due to environmental and energetic shortcomings. These systems are usually grid connected, and a power converter is the key item to connect the renewable energy sources to the grid. The power converter must be accurately designed in order to comply with grid requirements in terms of power quality and safety. This work focuses on the design, modelling and control of power converters for power quality improvement in a grid connected distributed generators system. Control action of power converters are designed such that they can figure out with a transformer coupled grid connected system with different voltage levels 0f the grid. The Grid connected photovoltaic system in which a low voltage based PV generation system ted to grid 0f 25 k V and 125 k V along with the effect of irradiance on active power ted to grid is demonstrated.All the simulations are carried out in MATLAB/ Simulink environment and the results with priggish analysis are exhibited.

Index Terms -Signalling, Doorbell, Arduino, alter system.


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1 E.Govinda Kumar, 2 M.Rithika, 3 S.Santhosh Vikram, 4 Vedika Krishnaraja, 5 M.Vikashini
1 Assistant professor, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Karpagam College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu.
2,3,4,5 UG Scholar, Electronics and Instrumentation Engineering, Karpagam College of Engineering, Tamil Nadu.,,,,